Friday, October 22, 2010

Birthdays, goats and remodels

Whew, its been a bit but we have been working hard. First off, we have painted, layed flooring, fixed walls, installed a new front door, replaced toilets andjust overhauled most of the house. We are working on getting everything tightened up before the cold sets in. As of right now we do not have a working heater but we have purchased one and are just looking for someone to install it.

After all that inside work we have also set up our first paddock for our Goats. We got 6 does yesterday and got them all set up in the paddock. Ryan will be building some goat houses today as well as working on the chicken coop. We rented a post hole digger but it was not our best investment. It took alot of work to run and thinking we should have rented a bigger one.

As for everything else, work is going well, school for RYan and I is going okay and the kids are doing absolutelly wonderful here.

Well I am off to breakfast with my birthday boy, Ryan. Happy birthday babe, love you.