Monday, January 31, 2011

Menu Plan Monday

Beef and Brocolli, rice and egg roll

Chili and crackers


Pork shoulder roast, potato and carrot

Chicken, seasoned rice and peas

Steak, rice and green beans

Beans and cornbread.

Winter Weather Advisory

When we moved from SE Kansas a couple of years ago it was cause of a crazy ice storm and being without power for 14 days...within the city limits of a larger college town.  I had to put the last part in there because we are now living in a very small town of less than 100 people back in SE Kansas.  Although I am likely more prepared as I have a generator.  I am still not prepared for loss of electricity for that many days.  I also had not planned to get groceries til tomorrow morning.  Obviouslly the big Mart stores will be open no matter what the weather.  The issue I have is I have to get out in it.  YUCK. 

On the good front of all this, I got the goats extra bedding down.  They have a full hay holder.  I will only have to run out the warm buckets of water three times a day in 15 inches of snow that they are calling for.  I put extra straw down in the chicken coop, the inside goat pen, and the horse stall.  I also put extra hay rations out for everyone and moved some square bales closer to the horse stall, so I don't have to lug those through the snow. 

The chickens are out of their coop right now and there is no sleet or snow coming down.  Once it does, they will be put in.  The goats have a tarp wind block to keep out the snow out of their warm beds.  I think they will appreciated that.  So everyone should be good.  I plan to do evening chores just a bit early today, just in case.

As a family this weekend was really nice weather, so we soaked up some good ole sunshine and excercise.  We also spent some quality time with friends that we had not seen in quite a while.  I appreciate the chance to sit back and laugh about all the crazy things we did as kids.  Plus we were able to cut loose and sing silly songs at the top of our lungs and hang out with our girls on Saturday night.  It was very fun to see our daughters hang out and hit it off like the best of friends.  Because my friend was and still is one of my best friends.  We look forward to much more girls nights in the future.

The boys also hung out all weekend.  I think my friends son was in a state of bliss because he was allowed to play video games to his hearts content.  Although we did ask them to play outside which they did  for a bit.

Another weekend over and back to Monday.  I don't mind except for all this snow that is predicted.