Thursday, July 21, 2011

Up in the city, not at the farm

Im in the city at my j-o-b.  Someday, I hope to work only 3 days a week and be on the farm the other  4 days.  Its a good goal.  I am fortunate that my hubby holds down the fort at the farm during the week.  I get to spend Sundays and Mondays hanging out with the animals.  Right now I am kinda happy to be at work cause it is a bit cooler than the old farm house. 

I know that the animals are doing well this morning.  The spoiled goats are getting ice water all day long, as well as the chickens.  We did decide that the horse needed a new home as she was not very conducive with the baby goats.  We were scared that with her spunkiness she would end up trampling a baby goat.  So we found her a new home and she is getting the attention she deserves. 

The heat index has been so high latelly that my chickens went on strike when it started.  I am hoping that they are just finding a nice shady spot to lay their eggs in.  We have not gotten eggs for about two weeks.  Hopefully this weekend, I can get post put in to give them a little enclosure outside the coop again.  I used the t-post for something else, isn't that the way it always goes.  Im trying to get hubby to build a three foot tall by twelve foot long enclosure, but he is worried the goats will try to stand on it.  So we are looking into other options.  Hope to figure that out this weekend as they do not need to be free ranging all day long, because of the egg loss.