Sunday, April 3, 2011

Awww Spring Finally

So now I am back from vacation and did a bit of work this past week.  I was finally able to get to the farm today and get more things done.

So far, we planted three trees and a blueberry bush.  The trees are peach, apple and dwarf cherry.  I hope they do well.  We have a big storm coming through but I put them in two days ago, so I hope they stay rooted.  I didn't put any tree stakes in, so keeping my fingers crossed for that one. The blueberry bush is in the front of the house in the "flowerbed" area.  I will not be putting in a flower bed anytime soon.  I actually plan on getting some more berry bushes planted in that space, but for this year we are starting with one.  Hopefully it does well also.

Yesterday I was able to pick up some bedding for the stalls and the chicken coop.  I had planned to clean the coop out today but we were working on the stall.  We got the door finally cut out and put back in.  I love it.  I also love that Ryan is so very handy.  I don't know what we would do if he wasnt.  I am way to impatient and use way to many nails, screws, boards what ever to accomplish the same thing.  So he makes it functional and very nice looking.  I tell him that he should sell some of his projects but he said that is not why he does it.

I now have three pregnant does.  Yeah, very proud of my little nubian/boer cross buck.  I was worried that he would not breed until the fall and I would have to wait til next spring for my milk.  I still have one doe in milk, she has a 12 month old doeling, who thinks she still needs to nurse.  Fine by me but I really need to get back to milking to bring her milk back in full force til a month before she has her babies.  My mission for this week, is to get her on the milk stand daily, even if it is just to feed and check her out.

Finally, my chickens are now 5 months old plus the 1 month old chicks.  I should be getting some eggs soon I think, it has been about 20 weeks and they all seem to be doing quite well.  They free range during the day and then get layer pellets at night once they are back in their coop.  I am needing to get some gravel or something brought in due to mud issues we have going on.  Apparently the water table is very high here, so you dig a hole and its already wet.  Not sure how to figure out the drainage but I will soon.  But for now my goats, horse and chickens play in the mud....the kids too.

That is all for now.