Thursday, July 12, 2012

More things I have noticed

I have noticed more changes now that I am home full time.  Although I have been intermediatelly fighting off whatever illness are attaching my already compromised immune system, I am enjoying figuring out new ways for our family to save.  Most of the savings start in the kitchen and garden.  We planted a lovely garden this year and most days are meatless, because I get protiens in other ways.  I picked about 10 lbs of tomatoes the other day and watched them sitting on the counter.  Well today I decided I needed a few things, spaghetti sauce, bbq sauce and ketchup.  Well the abundance of tomatoes could handle that.  So today I am making some spaghetti sauce.

So while looking into recipes I was making a shopping list for my pantry.  My old shopping list went a bit like this:
Peanut butter
and so on

My new list looks like this:
Palm Oil
Cocoa powder
wheat flour
pastry flour
sea salt
kosher salt
grape seed oil
and so on

Funny how different it is when you cook from scratch and grow or raise the basics on your farm.

So in the next few weeks I have plans to make some items to freeze to test before the kids start school.
Homemade poptarts
breakfast sandwhiches
homemade peanut butter and jelly sandwhichs (both peanutbutter and jelly will be homemade)
hotpocket type sandwhiches

Of course I will be canning soups and such.  My kids will have thermos' for their lunches and home made sandwhich breads.  I know this will save us alot cause the cost of school lunches is on the rise. 

The more items we can make at home the better.  Well Im off to conquer some goat milk soap making, wish me luck.

Monday, July 2, 2012


I have not even went back to see what I posted last on the blog as its been so long.  Regardless, I had went back to work for the past year.  Although I love my job and helping people, I have found that being around people tends to cause my auto immune disorder to flare up.  I have spent the past 3 months sick and/or fighting off some bacteria or virus.  So I spoke with my doctor who thought it would be in my best interest to step back from massage and regain control of the illness.  I do miss working daily but I have found things that I can do at home to keep me busy and possibly make some money.  With it being summer time the kids are home and not bringing home any extra germs, but I am still needing naps some days or at least rest.  The heat takes a toll on me too.  I have started two daily meds as well as eating cleaner and healthier.  All in all I seem to be regaining some control over it. 

Other happenings on the farm, we currently have ALOT of chickens all laying hens and 3 roosters.  Some chicks are in the brooder growing into some nice chickens.  Plus we have added ducks, 3 hens and 2 drakes.  A donkey and 7 goats (4 does and 3 bucks).  One of the bucks will be going to a new farm soon.  Another to the sale in the fall, if he makes it.  He is very young and the heat is getting to him.  Then we have Ginormous our Herd Sire, who is a beautiful Nubian.  I really lucked out on him and am very impressed with his personality.  He fit right in with our herd.  I do run our bucks with our does year round, although some people do not think that is a good idea, we are with our goats daily multiple times a day and it just doesnt make sense to seperate them.

I also put in a HUGE garden this year and have been reaping the benefits of it. 

We also have Talapia Blue fingerlings growing in  the "pond".  We will be offering fresh talapia to local restaraunts starting next spring.  I truelly can not wait.