Friday, January 7, 2011

Winter....not my favorite time of year

So working on a bible study in obeidance. Its been very good so far. I am really focusing on listening to what God is telling me to do.

Today I woke up and if you know me personally you know I hate the cold. A couple years ago we moved to Florida so I could get away from the cold. Alas it wasn't south Florida, so it was still cold. So I know that cold is cold and I just have to deal with it sometimes. But I live on a farm now and those animals want food at 7am, its freezing. But with the cold makes me want to stay cuddled in bed. Staying cuddled in bed makes me nonproductive, which in turn makes me moody. So winter, please be brief this year. I hate being moody and non productive.

On to brighter things. We now have 8 goats, 23 chickens and one horse. I am planning on having two of the goats processed for meat later this month and selling two to three. That will leave us with a buck and two does. I think that is perfect. We do have a conflict with the "city council". WE live in a very small town that I grew up in but about 8-10 years ago they created a city council and made this small town of less than 150 people. They apparently have instilled some city ordinances and choose to act upon one of them that concerns me directly. I understand that it is a "law". That is fine, the fact of the matter is that they are picking and choosing what ordinances to uphold rather than all of them. So we are headed to the city council meeting on Jan 14th to plead our case to keep our goats. I am sure with a petition it will be fine, but its just a pain in the pants.

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