Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Long time no blog.

So my computer crashed awhile back and is still not running great.  I am able to get on the other computer now.
Our New Fire Pit
Walkway from front porch to the mailbox.

Anyways, we have been busy around here.  This past Sunday afternoon, my hubby and I went out and collected rocks, some flat and some larger ones.  We had been discussing having a fire pit in the side yard.  My kids love campfires and I thought this would be a great way to have one anytime we wanted.  So we got rocks for that purpose.  While we were getting those rocks a couple lightbulbs went off and we thought, we could use these large flat ones to line the walkway to the mail box from the front porch.  The original plan for that was just pea gravel and landscape timbers.  But the flat rocks look alot better. 

The other thing that has been going on is we got our first egg.  Although the egg was cracked, we did get an egg.  I am very happy because it has been 25 weeks and 4 days...yes I was counting.  I have some Giant chickens that are just about 8 weeks old that I am waiting for them also.  So this time I will know to wait just a bit longer than 22 weeks.  We also added white light to the coop.  Before I had just a heat lamp with a red light bulb in it.  So it was a bit darker.  So the chickens were not getting the daylight hours the needed to lay.  I am going to get a timer for the white light so that it will come on at 4am and shut off at 9pm.  That way we can maximize the daylight in the coop.

Our 1st official egg

Today I am making amish friendship bread.  I let my starter sit for a couple extra days, so I am hoping it still comes out.  Its in the over baking right now.  Smells lovely around the homestead today.

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