Saturday, August 21, 2010

Sun Dried Clothing

So today I had to work. Im not sure if anyone reading this blog knows that I work outside the home. I am a massage therapist. I got into massage therapy as a way to help others seek other options in thier healing process. Whether healing from physical pain or something on a deeper level, massage therapy has always been beneficial.

So today I went to the Spa to work. I worked with a few different people with different issues. The biggest thing I get from giving a massage is knowing that for that hour, I helped them forget pain or forget worries, to just rest.

My DH was so wonderful today. He is working with the kids and trying to find the right structure for them. The big issue is that right now we are in a state of transition so they are testing boundaries. Even in the testing, I am hoping that they are learning something and also that dad will have patiences to deal with the test that they are throwing his way. Tommorrow we will be having a sit down with the kids to discuss the boundaries of the new farm and what is expected of them.

DH brought the washer in today and hooked it up. So I plan to sun dry my clothes on the line tomorrow morning. I don't think I have done that since the we lived on the ranch in 2006. The kids may or may not remember that, but I love fresh washed linens dried on the line. I hear that there will be a nice breeze tomorrow.

I hope to post pictures tomorrow as while we unpacked some today, I was able to find the camera. We have cleaned up the yard, will be burning off the pile of stuff that the previous tenants graciously left us, and hopefully getting the chicken coop ready for chicks around the first of September.

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