Sunday, February 20, 2011

75 Degrees and SUNNY

Today was pretty productive.  I got up at 7am, got the chores done in record time and started researching what might be wrong with the farm truck.  Yesterday we got a new battery for it cause the old one was swollen and leaking something.  Brought it home, tried for 45 minutes to start it and finally got it started.  My husband drove it about 10 miles and it cut out 3 or 4 times, but he thought that it just need the cobwebs ran out of it.  Well I tried to start it this morning and it was doing the same thing.  So I let him sleep cause he went to bed at 5am.  I did some research and had a list of things to check.  

He woke up and tried 3 times and it started.  So we decided to take it to the parts store to run a diagnostics on it.  Turns out it was a fuel pump relay, very easy $20.00 fix but only cause we bought an air filter also.  So we went to lunch and came back home.

Once we got home, we let the horse out.  She immediatelly took a mud bath.  Then the boys and I deep cleaned the horse stall.  We had been doing deep bedding for the last month, so there was quite a bit to shovel out.  I need a new tire on the wheel barrow, so they used 5 gallon buckets to carry the bedding to the second compost pile at the end of the chicken pen.  The first compost pile I put in is on the wrong side of a building and doesn't get quite the amount of sun it needs and is too far from the garden.  I had only taken out about 3 loads to there so it was okay.  Next weekend, I plan on cleaning out the chicken coop. 

After cleaning out the stall, I laid down some fresh pine shavings and have to say that they are much better than the straw.  Cheyanne kept trying to eat the straw and it was heavy plus non very absorbant.  So hopefully the pine shavings are better.  I will pick up some more tomorrow to keep on hand and also use in the chicken coop.  All are still very good for compost.

We brought the horse and the billy goat back to their stalls.  While I was doing all this Ryan was fixing the door on the farm truck, it needed new pins and bushings.  I helped a bit with that, but not much.  I finished up the evening chores early.  The only thing left is to bring the chickens in and our house dog back inside. 

The kids picked up the house a bit when I came in.  I really wished they had played outside in the great weather a bit more.  But I guess I wore them out in with helping get stuff cleaned up. 

So now I am off to make some chicken, brocolli with cheese and rice for dinner. 

Have a wonderful Sunday.

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