Sunday, February 27, 2011


Yes we are still discussing fence around here, at least for a few more days.  Who would have thought.  We bought our stuff on Wednesday to put the post in.  Well Thursday, it stormed horribly and even gave us more of the white stuff.  Yuck.  So the ground was really wet.  Friday, I had class in the city for work.  So I drove up there and it was still pretty nasty weather and cold.  We also had a friend that was going to come dig the post holes with a tractor, that was unable to make it.  So I checked the forecast and it looked as though Saturday would be a good day to get the post in and cemented.  I ran to the store to buy a manual post hole digger and handle for the pick ax thingy. So, came home and started in on the post.  Was happy for the rain cause the ground was soft. We put in 36 wood corner and gate post. After we put those in we hadn't had enough for the day, so we put in 120 tpost.  Now, its a waiting game til the cement cures.  Hopefully by tomorrow after noon, Ryan will feel that it is set enough to put in the cross beams to the corner post and then we can stretch the fence and run electric fence.   If not we plan on going out to my great cousins and borrow his Kubota, to move some junk piles that I am pretty sure the goats don't need to get into. 

We did have a bit of excitement yesterday while putting in the tpost.  There was a soft spot in the pasture and Ryan was driving the truck around with the trailor.  We got stuck.   He went and found someone to help pull us out.  That guy got stuck too.  So tried to pull it out with another persons smaller vehicle that didn't work, so they went and got someone else to help.  Got the helper pulled out but our truck sat til this morning.  We had a friend come over with a tractor to pull us out.  We then got out in about 2 seconds.

Ryan and I are both feeling muscles from the work on the fence yesterday, but I still want to get tons done.  Not sure what I can do, but I am sure to find something.  Until then, I put a pot roast in the oven, did some laundry, and of course blogged.

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