Sunday, February 13, 2011

Fence, fence and more fence

So I marked out the fence area this morning.  So far, I have learned that I am out of shape.  I trasped through 4000 feet of snow.  Snow is worse than sand and I got my monthly work out marking off the fence.  Next we need 4000 feet of fence for this project.  I am hoping that this is good enough for 3 goats and 1 horse.  We will still leave the current two paddocks that are already set up, so we can feed the goats and horses seperate.  This will also allow us a pen for the billy goat once he is older.  This also will allow us to use the square footage in the back of the barn for shelter instead of our current 3 sided shelter set up.  Im sure this will make the goats happy during the winter and even once its hot in the spring.  It will also make it a bit easier for me to feed all around in the winter time cause I will not have to go out in the snow to feed and water.  I will have the hose set up to reach both the horse and the goats water inside with just a change in the hoses. 

As far as the pricing of the fence here it goes:

Goat field fence                 $240 a 660 ft roll, need 6 rolls                                       Total  $1440
Fence Post                       Treated 8ft landscape timbers $3 267 post                     Total    $801
Line Insulators for 2 strands of hotwire                                                                   Total   $150
Corner post                     3 per corner,  36 post (for gate too)                                Total $288
One 16 ft gate                                                                                                       Total $70
One 4 Ft Gate                                                                                                       Total $50

We have poly rope for the hot wire.  We will need horseshoe nails also and I don't have the price on those.

                                                                              Total Project estimate    $2800

That should be the end of the fence ordeal once we get it put in.  We may also buy a auger to put the post in.  We will be putting other wooden fence around the house for the kids to have fence.  It will be more decorative.  The plan is to make a wood plank 4 ft fence around the house. 
The fence will be unpainted wood but set up like this.  We may also put some rabbit fence on the back side of it.  We have a problem with neighborhood dogs coming into the yard.  We have a dog also and although I seriously doubt the 110 lb Malamute/Husky mix will get through the plank setup, I still would like to keep the littler neighborhood dogs out.   To build this fence (at a later date) we would need the following:
8ftx1inx4in planks
Landscape timber post
Driveway gate x2 


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