Saturday, February 12, 2011

Global warming???

Im not complaining cause today was b-e-a-utiful.  We were able to let Cheyanne out and she was frisky.  She worried me running through the snow the way she did.  At one point she ran, slid and rolled all at once.  Talk about giving a person a heart attack, I don't know what I would have done if she hadn't jumped right up.  So she was able to hang out in the paddock.  I personally would not let her run in a pasture right now, I could see her falling and hurting herself jsut cause she is young and silly. 

Next we let our buckling out with the girls.  Although he doesn't like to be in the pasture with them.  He is so funny, more like a dog than a goat.  He whined the whole time he was out there and stood by the fence waiting on me.  He is only 5 months old, so I guess that is why.  He is still a baby.

While they were both out of the stalls, I took the time to clean up.  It was great only having to wear gloves and a sweatshirt.  Took me less time to clean out the stalls, so that is nice.

We also got our seed cataloge today.  Picked out all the veggies that we want to order and also seed starter kits.  Hopefully we will be able to make our order here in the next week or so.  I plan on starting them in the extra room in the house.  Maybe even make a little green house or warm box.  Im still researching the options, but I have the space either way.

Tomorrow, we hope to be able to get Cheyanne back out.  We plan on getting the farrier out also to work on her feet.  I know many people work on their horse hoofs themself, but I have no clue and she can tell that.  We also plan to finish up the stall to have better doors as soon as the weather turns more springy. 

I know I am totally getting my hopes up that the snow is gone for the Spring, but I know that isn't the case.  I know it can snow til March and be yucky for quite some time.  But I am hoping that within the next 6 weeks it is done.

Have a great weekend.


Anonymous said...

What Global warming means is EXTREME changing weather patterns -- not that all will be warm! If this almost 100 degree flip week isn't extreme I don't know what is! LOVE YOU!! MOM

Anonymous said...

That's MomE !! Love you!!

chasindreams said...

Yeah the degree flip has got me all stopped up and a scratchy throat. Im not complaining though, cause it might dry up all this mud. Love you