Tuesday, February 8, 2011


In the past week, I was cooped up in the house with three children who became wildly stir crazy about 12 hours into the first snow day.  Now, I am glad that they made it to those first 12 hours.   Because one more day of their stir craziness might have made for mama to be a bit peeved. 

Anyway, all these wonderful ideas of baking bread, cookies, and hanging out playing board games were in my head.  I even got all the supplies knowing the snow was coming.  I would be lying if I told you we did all those wonderful things.  Nope I kicked back on the couch with the kids and spent the weekend watching movies and playing video games.  We did make snow ice cream.  

I read on facebook many families going out and playing in the 3 to 5 ft snow drifts and sledding.  But since we moved from Florida, I have no sled, nor the proper winter attire for my kids to spend more than 5 minutes outside in the snow, before I start fearing that they would be sick.  Now mind you, I know as a fact that as a kid, I stuck some socks on my feet and my regular winter coat and some clothes on and out I went.  But for some reason having my own kids has made me a weiny and parinoid that one of them will get sick...Again.

So if any of you out there see my kids and ask them if they played in the snow, dont be surprised when they give you the sad puppy dog face.  Oh bet I have evidence that they  finally did play in the snow on Sunday when it was actually 32 degrees and they were able to make a snowman...little one but still a snow man.  They also helped shovel snow off their grandma's porch.

Kids shoveling snow at their Grans house.  Just across the yard from us.

As far as the motivation part of this story, I was very unmotivated to bake bread and make cookies.  I have noticed my lack of motivation in other areas in my life to.  Fortunatelly today, I have started the first step towards kicking the lack of motivation out.  I am eating a bowl of oatmeal to motivate my diet.  I am getting ready to go to the new salon to set up my room.  I am up out of bed to feed the animals at a reasonable time.  I got my taxes done yesterday. I am truelly seeing the motivation.  I will keep you posted on the motivation to work out or find a gym to work out at. 

The animals faired well in the blizzard 2011.  I was worried about our working dog as she wouldn't go into the shelter, so she started to get a bit of frost bite on her elbow area.  I pulled her into the garage and bunked her down with the buckling.  That has seemed to help it heal quickly.  We got her for free and she wasn't in the best shape, cause she just ran with the animals.  We vacinated her when we did the goats and then wormed her also.  She has had an ear issue we have been treating, so I hope we can fix that up cause otherwise she won't be much of a livestock guardian.

We will be trying to break ground on the new fencing at the end of the month.  Need to fence in 2 acres of the property by mid April per the city council.  We are doing the whole property.  So I know it will be a bit pricey, cause its going to be goat fence.  We were going to try horse fence or do part of it goat fence and part of it just regular 3 lined poly wire.  I think I am going to try to resell a roll of the poly wire cause we wont be using it and I have 6000 ft of the stuff on one roll.
The Does in their little huts.

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